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RJIL promotes scientific contributions of the highest quality and is open to publish such work by Romanian and foreign professors, students, practitioners, and policy makers in the field of international law.

The editorial board accepts proposals for papers throughout the year, and the authors of selected papers will be contacted in due time for the review.

RJIL welcomes articles in both English and French on current topics of importance in the field of international law. The papers should be between six and ten pages in length (A4 format, excluding bibliography). A short biography of the author is also required, along with an assurance that the article has not been published, submitted, or accepted elsewhere. Articles to be published in a different forum within one year of submission will not be considered.

Papers must be submitted (doc or docx format) together with a brief Curriculum Vitae of the author via e-mail, at and

For detailed information about the structure and format to be followed, we recommend all authors to consult the template and referencing guide. The template is in editable format, allowing for the proposed material to be directly inserted and edited.

Author fees

As a not-for-profit online publisher, we are part of- and led by the research community. 

We are truly committed to help shape and advance the implementation of open research in academic publishing, exploring and innovating models that will ensure sustainability and quality, while maximizing the benefits that openness can offer. 

Publishing Open Access (OA) allows anyone, anywhere, to find, read, and benefit from your research. Therefore, RJIL is accessible for free online. The authors do not have to pay any fees, and university libraries or individual readers are not required to pay for subscriptions or pay‑per‑view fees to access articles in the electronic version of the Journal.